torsdag 4 september 2008

Bäst idag

Ibland räcker mina vänners engelska inte riktigt ända fram.

– I'm so happy, the most famous terrorist of the world will come to our company's party.

– What?

– Yes! And he so rarely goes to parties too...

– Are you sure it's a terrorist that you mean...?

– Why, yes! Just google him, I'm sure you know him. The world's most famous terrorist!

– But... but why?

– What do you mean? There will be ambassadors and diplomats from all over the world, so it will nice to have some entertainment.

– ??

– ??

– Now I get it – a cellist!

– Yes, a cellolist...

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Den här är ju helt klockren!! Kan läsa den hur många ggr som helst o bara ler :) När vi diskuterade kommunikation här på jobbet kunde jag inte heller låta bli att visa upp denna... Stora kramar